Investigating the Relationship between Musculoskeletal Disorders and Quality of Work Life in Nursing Staff

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Nursing, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran


Aims: The high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders caused by work is a common problem in nurses. The quality of life is effective, job
satisfaction, and everyday life of nurses. The study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship of musculoskeletal disorders
and the dimensions of the quality of nursing life in the hospitals in Southern regions of West Azarbaijan in 2017. Materials and Methods: In
this descriptive‑analytical study, 100 nursing staff working in southern regions of West Azarbaijan hospitals was chosen randomly. The data
gathering tool was a two‑part tool using a Nordic questionnaire and a quality of life questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS software,
t‑test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The results showed that the most musculoskeletal disorders in the nursing staff were in the
lumbar (50%). In addition, individual factors such as age, work history, type of working system, body mass index, and sex are effective in the
increase of musculoskeletal disorders (P < 0.05). The results of quality of life indicators showed that psychological problems with mean and
standard deviation (32.3 ± 14.1) had the lowest and physical performance (58.2 ± 17.5) had the highest amount and dimensions and components
of work‑life quality have significant relationship with musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusion: Considering that there is a relationship between
skeletal muscle‑muscle disorders and living quality of life, nursing managers should establish a correct relationship with the staff and provide
a suitable environment to reduce physical and psychological stresses caused by work and increase the quality of working life.
