Impact Factor Announcement

Dear highly respected audience,

We're excited to share a significant milestone with you all. The annual release of Clarivate’s Journal Citation Report (JCR) revealed that International Archives of Health Sciences (eISSN: 2383-2568) has been awarded its first Impact Factor (IF). This is a noteworthy achievement for our community, and we are proud to share it with you.

The 2022 two-year IF is 0.3. This Impact Factors place us in the mid-ranking for health, a commendable achievement for a journal that prides itself on inclusivity and accessibility.

Impact Factors can help to provide an overall assessment of journal quality and its research output in the community. Your contributions, whether as authors, reviewers, or readers, have played a crucial role in this accomplishment.

We celebrate this achievement, and hope that, alongside this information, and transparent publishing process will encourage more health and medical researchers to submit their work to International Archives of Health Sciences, and thus benefit from broad readership and high-quality peer review.

We encourage you to continue with us.

Editor in Chief

International Archives of Health Sciences